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Knock-In Floor

A barrier floor whereby protection exists or activates only if the floating interest rate crosses the barrier (the pre-defined knock-in…

Indexed Strike Floor

A modified version of the barrier floor. It is an interest rate floor that comes in the form of an...

Bounded Barrier Floor

A barrier floor which has also the features of a bounded floor. Payment to the floor buyer is made only...


A modified version of the barrier floor. It is an interest rate floor that comes in the form of an...

Barrier Floor

An interest rate floor whose existence or activation depends on a floating rate or index falling below a certain barrier...

Discrete Barrier Floor

A discrete barrier option which places a barrier floor on its underlying movements. A discrete barrier floor is similar to...

Trigger Floor

An interest rate floor whose existence or activation depends on a floating rate or index falling below a certain barrier...

Dual Strike Floor

A modified version of the barrier floor. It is an interest rate floor that comes in the form of an...

KI Floor

A barrier floor whereby protection exists or activates (knocks in) only if the floating interest rate crosses the barrier (the...