An acronym for too big to fail; a bank, an insurance firm, or any type of financial institution that are...
A bank, an insurance firm, or any type of financial institution that are identified by a regulatory authority as potentially...
It stands for contingent capital note; a type of contingent convertible (CoCo)- contingent convertible bond- that is designed to automatically...
A type of contingent convertible (CoCo)- contingent convertible bond- that is designed to automatically recapitalize systemically important financial institutions (SIFIs)...
An instrument (capital instrument) that belongs to a bank's tier-2 capital. Tier-2 capital provides an additional source of capital whereby...
An allowance (provision) that is created by a bank for potential impairment losses (that may arise from the loans and...
A situation that takes place when a concession is made by a lending entity (a bank, financial institution) on the...
The interest rate which is set and used by banks and financial institutions as a basis for determining their lending...
The interest rate that a central bank pays to commercial banks for their deposits with it. It may also implies...
The interest rate that banks incur and pay to borrow funds from other banks in the money market overnight (interbank...