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Regulatory Impairment Allowance

An impairment allowance that is defined and set by a regulatory authority. By nature impairment allowances are created for impairment...

Brokered Deposit

A deposit that is mobilized or obtained through a deposit broker (by means of assistance or mediation). A brokered deposit...

Bank Solvency

A bank's solvency is the ability of the bank to meet its long-term obligations and support its expansion requirements over...

Minsky Moment

A stage of credit cycle that marks a point in time prior to a complete or major market crash (downturn)....

Macroprudential Tool

A type of policy instrument (tool / measure) that aims to contribute to the safeguarding of the stability of the...

Macroprudential Measure

A type of policy instrument (policy measure) that aims to contribute to the safeguarding of the stability of the financial...

Borrower-Based Tool

A macroprudential measure (tool)- in addition to the broad categories of capital-based measures and liquidity-based measures- that aims to temper...

Borrower-Based Instrument

A macroprudential measure (instrument)- in addition to the broad categories of capital-based measures and liquidity-based measures- that aims to temper...

Moral Hazard

In banking, moral hazard is perceived as a type of risk that arises when both the parties to a banking...

Borrower-Based Measure

A macroprudential measure (instrument)- in addition to the broad categories of capital-based measures and liquidity-based measures- that aims to temper...