In Arabic (بيع الموقوف), it is a type of sale (ba'i/ bay') which is lawful in substance and description but...
A term (بيع العهدة) which is used by Shafi'e fuqaha to denote ba'i al-wafa. It is a sale (bai) in...
Arabic (بيع وسلف) for a type of sharia-incompliant sale (invalid sale or ba’i ghair sahih) that combines a normal sale...
According to latter-day Hanafi scholars, it is a type of sale (ba’i) in which the seller has the right of...
Arabic (بيع الأعوام) for a type of sale (bay’) in which the underlying object is an agricultural produce (such as...
A type of sale (bay') that was particularly prevalent in the days of early Islam and pre-Islam, where a person...
Arabic (بيع الوضيعة) for sale (bay') with loss/ at loss. It is a type of sale in which the price...
A type of sale (ba'i) which is effected using down payment or advance money (arboun- عربون) with the condition that...
Arabic (بيع الثنيا) for a sale (bay') with exclusion. It is a type of sale in which an unknown part...
Arabic (بيع النجش) for a type of impermissible sale (ba’i muharram) whereby a person (fake bidder/ ghost bidder/ phantom bidder)...