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Ostensible Sale

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…

Ba’i al-Mua’amalah

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…

Ba’i al-Muamalah

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…

Bay’ al-Muamalah

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…

Ba’i al-Wafa

A sale (ba'i) in which the seller has the right, as stipulated in the contract, to repurchase the underlying property...

Ba’i al-Uhdah

A term (بيع العهدة) which is used by Shafi'e fuqaha to denote ba'i al-wafa. It is a sale (bai) in...

Ba’i al-Thanaya

A term (بيع الثنايا) which is used by Maliki fuqaha to denote ba'i al-wafa. It is a sale in which...

Sale of Usufruct

From the Arabic term "ba'i al-istighlal". According to latter-day Hanafi scholars, it is a type of sale (ba’i) in which...