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Autocall Incremental

An autocall in which the coupon and autocall barriers are at the same level, while the coupon has a certain...

Autocallable Structured Product

A structured product that usually pays high coupon payments on an underlying asset (basket of stocks/ indices/ individual stocks). In...

Classic Autocallable

A note (structured note) that only pays a coupon if the underlying asset trades above a specific level (known as...

Standard Autocallable

A note (structured note) that only pays a coupon if the underlying asset trades above a specific level (known as...

Autocallable with a Memory

An autocallable that has a memory coupon as part of its structure. It provides its holder with early redemption at...

Memory Coupon

A coupon payment (payoff or interest) for a structured product that has a memory feature. If activated, the product/ instrument,...

Memory-Coupon Autocallable

An autocallable that has a memory coupon as part of its structure. It provides its holder with early redemption at...


A structured product that is linked to the performance of an underlying being either the spot price of a single...