Auction – Fincyclopedia
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Good Till Trade

A feature in trading orders that allows market participants to place buy or sell orders at market or limit price,...

Good Till Triggered

A feature in trading orders that allows market participants to place buy or sell orders at market or limit price,...

Good Till Time

An order qualifier (specifically, time in force, TIF) whereby an order that is set to expire during an auction call...


An abbreviation for good till time; an order qualifier (specifically, time in force, TIF) whereby an order that is set...


An abbreviation for good for auction; an order qualifier (also known as GFA time in force) that is used to...

Good For Auction

An order qualifier (also known as GFA time in force) that is used to direct orders to the next auction...


A market system in which buyers bid against each other to reach the selling price of the security or instrument…

Common-Value Asset

An asset (e.g., a commodity/ an item) that has, or should ultimately have, the same value to all bidders (given...


A deal (transaction) that combines features and elements of both a negotiation and an auction. A negotiauction starts like an...

Winner’s Curse

A common problem that is associated with a setting of competitive bidding (and broadly, multiparty negotiations, and the so-called negotiauctions-...