A diagonal calendar call spread which is constructed by selling a long-term at-the-money call option and buying a short-term out-of-the-money…
An option that expires or pays off if the underlying hits or exceeds the outstrike price. For example, in the…
A diagonal calendar call spread which is constructed by selling a long-term at-the-money call option and buying a short-term out-of-the-money…
A call diagonal calendar spread that is designed to profit when the underlying breaks out in either direction. The profit…
A calendar strangle that is designed to profit as the underlying is believed to stay stagnant over a specific period…
A calendar straddle (horizontal straddle) that is designed to profit as the underlying is believed to stay stagnant over a…
AÂ call diagonal calendar spread that is designed to profit when the underlying remains relatively stable over a specific period of…
A calendar straddle that is designed to profit as the underlying is expected to break out in either direction. This…