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Commitment Cash Margin

It stands for the Arabic term arbun/arboon/urboun (عربون). It is the amount of money which is paid by a potential…


Arabic (عربون) for down payment, "partial" payment in advance, or security deposit. The payment/ deposit is intended to secure a...

Earnest Money

It is urboun or arbun in Arabic. By definition, it the amount of money which is paid by a potential...


A non-refundable deposit which is paid by a potential buyer to a seller, and whereby the former retains the right...

Arbun Call Option

An Islamic equivalent of the conventional call option. It is structured in a way that the premium paid by the...

Nonrefundable Deposit

The amount of money that is paid by a potential buyer to the seller at the time of contract (aqd...

Islamic Put Option

A shar'iah-compliant equivalent to conventional put option. The put option gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to sell an...

Bay’ al-‘Arbun

A type of sale (bay') which is effected using down payment or advance money (arbun- عربون) with the condition that...

Ba’i al-‘Arbun

A type of sale (ba'i) which is effected using down payment or advance money (arbun- عربون) with the condition that...

Hamish Aljiddiyyah

The amount of money which is paid to the seller in a murabaha transaction upon the request of the purchase...