An interest-free loan (fungible, marketable wealth) that is extended by a lender to a borrower on the basis of benevolence...
A form of prohibited sale (bay' batil) in which a person or group of persons connive with a seller to...
A general shari'ah maxim that all commercial and financial activities are originally permissible by the primary sources of shari'ah, unless...
An Arabic term (البيع الآجل) denotes refers to sale on credit or credit sale. By definition, it is an Islamic...
An excessive profiteering (ghaban) in which the seller intentionally deceives the buyer by stating explicitly or implicitly that the sale...
A type of partnership (musharakah or sharikah) which holds all participating parties at equal footing in terms of funds contributed,...
According to the Hanafi school of thought (mazhab), a category of mal that has no value from the perspective of...
Arabic (غبن) for a fraudulent practice by which one party to a commutative contract (ba’i, ijarah, salam, etc.) attempts to...
A general Arabic term (المال) that denotes wealth, property, money, funds, or any valuable things (intangibles included) that can be...
According to the Hanafi school of thought (mazhab), a category of mal that has no value from the perspective of...