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Arabic (ركن) for one of the pillars/ elements/ cornerstones of a contract (aqd– عقد). The primary arkan (pl. of rokn)…


Arabic (ركن) for one of the pillars/ elements/ cornerstones of a contract (aqd- عقد). The primary arkan (pl. of rukn)...


An essentially noncommutative contract that is used to secure a commutative contract (such as a sale contract/aqd al-ba’i) or obligations…

Ba’i al-Musarrat

Arabic (بيع المصراة) for a manipulative transaction which involves the sale (ba'i) of a cow, she-goat, or ewe, with its...


An Arabic term (بيع) that translates as “sale” or "selling". It refers to any agreement between two parties: the seller...

Ba’i wa Shart

Arabic (بيع وشرط) for “sale with a condition”. Technically, it refers to a sale contract (aqd al-ba'i) in which an...

Ba’i al-Arboon

A type of sale (ba'i) which is effected using down payment or advance money (arboon- عربون) with the condition that...

Ba’i al-Istijrar

In Islamic finance, it is a contract (of ba'i or bay') whereby a supplier agrees to deliver a specific commodity/...


A mode of trading (mutajara) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of...