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Return on Common Equity

A profitability ratio that relates the return from an entity's common equity (CE) to the amount paid against ownership (holding)...

Ultra Vires Acts

Corporate acts/ activities that are beyond, or at odds with, (ultra vires) its charter (memorandum of association/ object clause). If...

Ultra Vires Activities

Corporate activities that are beyond, or at odds with, (ultra vires) its charter (memorandum of association/ object clause). If such...

Leading P/E

The leading/ forward version of the price-earnings (P/E) ratio. The leading P/E relates a stock's current price to its "predicted"/...

Forward P/E

The forward version of the price-earnings (P/E) ratio. The forward P/E relates a stock's current price to its "predicted"/ "forecasted"...


A description that a security (or any type of asset) is given due to the expectation that its price would...


A description that a security (or any type of asset) is given due to the expectation that its price would...

Anti-Dilution Provision

A provision (clause) that is set out in an entity's charter conferring on its existing shareholders the right to purchase...

Analyst Consensus

A mean average of analysts' opinions of the estimated or expected financial performance/ results of a company or its stock...

Whisper Number

An unpublished opinion within the investing circles about a company's earnings announcement. In other words, it is an unofficial expectation...