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Amwal Ribawiah

Any kind of wealth or property (mal) that is inherently susceptible to riba. Traditionally, amwal ribawiah (plural of al-mal al-ribawi)...

Amwal Ribawia

Any kind of wealth or property (mal) that is inherently susceptible to riba. Traditionally, amwal ribawia (plural of al-mal al-ribawi)...

Al-Amwal al-Ribawiyah

Any kind of wealth or property (mal) that is inherently susceptible to riba. Traditionally, al-amwal al-ribawiyah (plural of al-mal al-ribawi)...

Mal Ghair Mutaqawwim

According to the Hanafi school of thought (mazhab), a category of mal that has no value from the perspective of...


A general Arabic term (مال) that denotes wealth, property, money, funds, or any valuable things (intangibles included) that can be...

Amwal Ribawiyah

Any kind of wealth or property (mal) that is inherently susceptible to riba. Traditionally, amwal ribawiyah (plural of mal ribawi)...

Amwal Mithliyyah

Arabic (أموال مثلية) for fungible items; items (amwal- pl. of mal) that are mutually interchangeable, i.e., the units of which...

Akl Amwal al-Nas bil Batil

An Arabic term (أكل أموال الناس بالباطل) that translates as unlawful acquisition of wealth (mal) or unjust enrichment. It describes...


A category of mal which encompasses commodities usually sold and bought by weight capacity, or measure such as gold, rice,...

Mahall al-Aqd

Arabic (محل العقد) for subject-matter of the contract (aqd)- i.e., the value and countervalue (amwal) exchanged in a contract (specifically...