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Newsflow Algo

A trading algorithm (algo) that uses news feeds in order to mine the text for trading opportunities and threats. To...

Smart Order Router

A coding mechanism that slices a trading order according to the rules set out by an algo (algorithm) and then...

Quote Rate Pirate

A market participant who practices quote stuffing (quote spamming), by placing a large number of orders for a stock, often...

Dark Algo

A trading algo (algorithm) that searches for dark liquidity (non-displayed liquidity) in available dark pools through a given liquidity network....


It stands for time-weighted average price algo; an algorithm (algo) that allows users of electronic trading to execute orders based...

Participate Algo

A trading algo (algorithm) that is used by electronic traders to execute orders at a constant participation rate in sync...

AP Algorithm

It stands for arrival price algorithm; a trading algo (trading algorithm) that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving...

AP Algo

It stands for arrival price algorithm; a trading algo (trading algorithm) that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving...

Arrival Price Algo

A trading algo (trading algorithm) that is designed to minimize trading costs while achieving the bid/ask midpoint price at the...

MOC Algo

A trading algorithm (algo) that targets the closing price, and hence the name “market-on-close (MOC) algo”. This algorithm allows electronic traders to capture the last...