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Ahliyyat al-Wujub Al-Kamilah

Arabic (أهلية الوجوب الكاملة) for being fully eligible for taklif/ takleef, i.e., the capacity (ahliyyah) of a person to enjoy...

Ahliyyat al-Wujub Al-Naqisah

Arabic (أهلية الوجوب الناقصة) for being partially eligible for taklif/ takleef, i.e., the capacity (ahliyyah) of a person to enjoy...


Arabic (أهلية) for legal capacity. A term that describes a person's fitness or capacity to undertake or perform something (an...

Ahliyyat al-Wujub

A type of ahliyyah (أهلية) which refers to a person's capability to enjoy legal rights and assume responsibilities. By default,...