A conclusion that is made by an entity's management in applying accounting policies. It reflects the ability of a management...
A conclusion that is made by an entity's management in applying accounting policies. It reflects the ability of a management...
Accounting estimates that are made using a method of measurement prescribed by the applicable financial reporting framework that is simple...
It stands for investment fluctuation reserve; a type of reserve that is created and maintained as a cushion against any...
A reserve that is created and maintained as a cushion against any possible reversal of interest rate trajectory on unexpected...
A type of reserve that represents amounts of money set aside to be used for payment of warranty claims made...
A written statement that is served by an entity’s management to its auditors with the purpose of confirming certain matters...
A transaction class that involves management judgments or assumptions in establishing account balances in the absence of a precise means...
A monetary amount for which the measurement of value is subject to estimation uncertainty, all in line with the requirements...
In accounting, it is a transaction (see: transaction classes) reflecting recurring financial activities recorded in the books of account of...