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At Cost

A measurement base whereby an item (an asset) is initially recognized and measured at a value equal to its original...

HFT Securities

Financial securities that are held by an entity for the purpose of selling or repurchasing them in the short term...

Held for Trading Securities

Financial securities that are held by an entity for the purpose of selling or repurchasing them in the short term...

Held-To-Maturity Securities

A security that an entity purchases and holds until maturity (as opposed to available for sale securities or trading securities)....

Time-Out Ban

With respect to tainting of financial assets held to maturity (on classification as such), it is a prohibition on classification...


It stands for statement of financial position; previously known as balance sheet, it is a detailed projection of the assets,...

Current Carrying Amount

A measure of carrying amount that reflects the amount at which an asset (or broadly, an item) is currently recognized...

AFS Securities

A financial security (equity security, debt security, hybrid security) that is acquired for the purpose of selling it before its...

Available For Sale Securities

A financial security (equity security, debt security, hybrid security) that is acquired for the purpose of selling it before its...

Non-Financial Instrument

An instrument whose value or performance changes in reaction to non-financial risks, broadly certain non-financial variables. Simply speaking, it denotes...