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It stands for asset valuation reserve; a statutory reserve that is created for the purpose of accounting for gains and...


An acronym for contract for difference; a contract such as a forward, a futures, or an option whose payoff is...

NBBO Mid-Point

The mid-point of the national best bid and offer (NBBO); an order pegged to the NBBO mid-point (pegged-to-mid-point order) allows...


It stands for historical value accounting; a method of accounting that has historical cost (HC) as a measurement base for...


It stands for fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL); a method of measuring financial assets/ financial liabilities whereby changes...

NBBO Midpoint

The midpoint of the national best bid and offer (NBBO); an order pegged to the NBBO midpoint (pegged-to-midpoint order) allows...


It stands for midpoint liquidity; a market liquidity that is provided by trades/ orders executed, or to be executed, at...


It stands for restricted investment account, which is an Islamic investment account which is subject to certain restrictions imposed by…


It stands for mid-point discretionary order; a discretionary order (specifically, a limit order) to trade a specific security, with the...

MPL Order

It stands for mid-point liquidity order; a limit order to buy (sell) a security (or a tradable asset) that is...