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It stands for unexpired risk reserve; an amount that an insurance company sets aside, on its the balance sheet, in...


It stands for fair value accounting; an accounting method that is based on the use of fair value (FV); it...


It stands for total assets; the total amount of assets (economic resources) that an entity owns and uses, directly or...


It stands for unexpired risk provision; an amount that an insurance company sets aside, on its the balance sheet, in...


It stands for asset valuation reserve; a statutory reserve that is created for the purpose of accounting for gains and...


An acronym for contract for difference; a contract such as a forward, a futures, or an option whose payoff is...

NBBO Mid-Point

The mid-point of the national best bid and offer (NBBO); an order pegged to the NBBO mid-point (pegged-to-mid-point order) allows...


It stands for historical value accounting; a method of accounting that has historical cost (HC) as a measurement base for...


It stands for fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL); a method of measuring financial assets/ financial liabilities whereby changes...

NBBO Midpoint

The midpoint of the national best bid and offer (NBBO); an order pegged to the NBBO midpoint (pegged-to-midpoint order) allows...