The direct cost of producing products to be sold by a business. Cost of goods sold (COGS) costs of the...
It stands for cost of goods sold; the direct cost of producing products to be sold by a business. COGS...
It stands for endogenous discount factor; an approach that endogenizes the discount factor. It is a type of preference formulation...
An option to sell or buy an ETF before a certain date at a set price. Unlike other types of…
It stands for early exercise premium; the difference between the premium (option price) of an American option and that of...
An abbreviation for lower of cost or net realizable value (NRV); it is an approach that aims to avoid reporting...
It stands for return on normative equity; a version of return on equity (ROE) in which normative equity is used...
An interest rate swap (IRS) whose maturity doesn’t exceed 2 years. A short-term interest rate swap (STIRS) involves the settlement…
It stands for risk-adjusted return on capital; it is a uniform measure of risk-adjusted profitability that relates a specific formula...
An abbreviation for good till time; an order qualifier (specifically, time in force, TIF) whereby an order that is set...