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Islamic Finance

Mutawalli al-Waqf

Arabic (متولي الوقف) for the administrator/manager/trustee/superintendent of waqf (Islamic endowment); the custodian of an endowment (waqf) who undertakes responsibility for management of its assets and resources as well as its everyday affairs. In other words, the custodian is required to carry out the tasks of safeguarding it, growing it, implementing the stipulations of the person who created it (al-waqif), leasing its property, resolving disputes over it, collecting its return and distributing it to its rightful eligible persons. The custodian should also set aside some of the proceeds and assets as precautionary reserves.

Mutawalli is also known as nazhir al-waqf/nazher al-waqf.

The last three decades have witnessed the modern rebirth of Islamic finance both in terms of literature and practice. Islamic banks and ...
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