Tier-1 capital is a layer of capital (for a bank or financial institution) that consists of common equity, minority interests,...
Non-traded market risk is the risk (market risk) that affects the value of assets or liabilities outside the trading book...
Equity risk is a type of risk that reflects the possibility of changes in the market price of equities or...
Credit risk is defined as the risk arising from potential financial losses due to the failure of a customer (borrower,...
An uncovered debt instrument is a type of fixed-income instrument that is not backed by collateral. It is backed (covered)...
A money market vehicle (MMV) is a structure or arrangement (e.g., a fund) that provides exposure to money market movements....
Portfolio tilting, or simply tilting, refers to the practice of making changes in the industries of a portfolio's components or...
Takeover is the purchase of a business/ company (the target/ acquiree/ acquired) by another (the acquirer). A privately held company...
Takeover is the purchase of a business/ company (the target/ acquiree/ acquired) by another (the acquirer). A privately held company...
An originator (of sukuk or similar instruments) is an Islamic financial institution (IFI) or other institution that issues sukuk under...