Prepayment risk is a type of risk that is associated with loans and loan pools (pooled loans, such as mortgage...
An autocall (also known as, classic autocall or Athena) is a structured product that is linked to an underlying asset...
A risky security is a security that exposes its holder (investor) to market risk in terms of volatility as to...
Recasting (also, loan recasting/ mortgage recasting) is a process involving a re-amortization of an existing loan, without changing the loan's...
Recasting (also, loan recasting/ mortgage recasting) is a process involving a re-amortization of an existing loan, without changing the loan's...
Value is what a product (or broadly an asset) or service is perceived to be worth in terms of benefits...
A haircut (specifically, a collateral haircut) is the reduction to, or deduction from, the collateral posted by the borrower and...
Repo rate is the rate of interest at which commercial banks borrow money, for short-term periods, from the central bank...
Repo rate is the rate of interest at which commercial banks borrow money, for short-term periods, from the central bank...
A bond warrant is a financial instrument that gives its holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or...