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Comparability in Accounting

In accounting, comparability refers to the quality of accounting information that makes an entity’s reporting about its performance, from different...

Characteristics of a Non-Financial Variable Specific to a Contracting Party

A non-financial variable specific to a party is an item whose value or performance changes in reaction to non-financial risks...

Characteristics of Derivatives

A derivative is a financial instrument or agreement/ contract whose value changes in reaction to the change in a specific...

Permanent Account: Examples

A permanent account (also, real account) is a general ledger account (GL account) that does not close at the end...

Temporary Account: Examples

A nominal account (temporary account) is a type of account (a general ledger account/ GL account) that closes at the...

Nominal Account: Examples

A nominal account (temporary account) is a type of account (a general ledger account/ GL account) that closes at the...

Real Account: Examples

A real account is a general ledger account (GL account) that does not close at the end of the accounting...

Accounting Classification of Perpetual Sukuk

Perpetual sukuk are a sukuk issue that does not mature and hence sukuk are treated as equity (huqooq al-mulkiyyah) rather...

Advantages of Fair Value as a Measurement Base

Fair value (FV) is the price / exchange price (an amount measured in currency units- CUs) at which an asset...

Misstatement: Concept and Examples

In accounting, misstatement is a situation that arises when a transaction or event has not been recorded or treated correctly...