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Murabaha Commissions and Expenses

An Islamic bank or financial institution entering into a murabaha transaction as a financier (actually both as a seller and...

Murabaha lil Amer bil Shira

An Arabic term (المرابحة للآمر بالشراء) which translates as murabaha to the purchase orderer. It is a murabaha transaction wherein...


Arabic (حيازة) for the holding or acquisition of an object, usually a commodity, asset, currency, etc, for a specified or...

Touch Sale

A type of sale (bay’) that was particularly popular in the days of early Islam and pre-Islam, where the buyer...

Earnest Money

It is urboun or arbun in Arabic. By definition, it the amount of money which is paid by a potential...


Arabic (إعارة) for a special case of ijarah where the usufruct of subject-matter (property) is transferred by the owner to...


A type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the price (thaman) is set equal to the original acquisition price...

Tawliah Sale

The selling of a commodity for its original purchase price/ cost price neither with adding a mark-up nor with applying...

Tawlia Sale

The selling of a commodity for its original purchase price/ cost price neither with adding a mark-up nor with applying...


A transaction whereby a person buys an asset/ commodity from a seller on the basis of deferred payment, and sells...