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Lease of Liability

A form of Islamic lease in which the contract is linked to the lessor’s liability. Lease of liability is the…


Arabic (ليّ) for the act of delaying repayment/payment of due debts (duyun) on maturity. Such a delay/procrastination may be the…

Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek

An ijarah contract that ends up with the transfer of ownership of leased properties/assets from the lessor to the lessee…

Ijarah Mawsufa Fi al-Dhimmah

A type of ijarah which involves the sale of a clearly specified underlying asset, which is currently being produced or…


With respect to debts, hawala refers to the transfer of debt from one party (the transferor, or muheel) to another…


An essentially noncommutative contract that is used to secure a commutative contract (such as a sale contract/aqd al-ba’i) or obligations…

Fard ‘Ain

Arabic (فرض عين) for individual duty or obligation. It is an act that is compulsory for every competent Muslim (man…


Arabic (فرد) for individual/person/one. However, it may be sometimes, mistakenly used to refer to obligation or duty (the right spelling…

Family Waqf

A type of waqf (endowment) in which a person (waqf initiator/originator) designates oneself or some specified individuals as the beneficiaries…

Elimination of Pretexts

A shari’a approach (and one of the secondary sources of Shari’a) which is applied to prevent, on a pre-emptive basis,…