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Par-Value Sale

A type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the price (thaman) is set equal to the original acquisition price...


Arabic (شريعة) for the divine guidance and precepts which are given and outlined by the Holy Qur'an, sent down by...

Special Investment Account

A profit-sharing investment account that is subject to a specific set of conditions as specified by the account holder. In...

Sighat al-Aqd

Arabic (صيغة العقد) for contractual formula (formula of a contract/ aqd). A formal exchange of offer/ proposal (ijab or 'ardh)...

Tamattu’ Shares

A type of share that entitles the holders to participate in the net profit of the issuing company or business,...


A type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the price (thaman) is set equal to the original acquisition price...


Arabic (تفليس) for judgment of bankruptcy (iflas) or declaration of bankruptcy by court. In shari’a parlance, it stands for interdiction...

Tadlees al-Aib

The process whereby a seller intentionally hides the defects of his goods so that an unsuspecting buyer would acquire them...

Tataruh al-Dainain

Arabic (تطارح الدينين) for the process of bilateral release of debts (set-off or maqassah in Arabic). More specifically, it is...

Talaqqi al-Rukban

An illegal practice (particularly an exploitative commercial arbitrage) in which a city dweller purchases goods from a Bedouin (desert dweller)...