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Khiyar al-Taghrir

Arabic (خيار التغرير) for option (khiyar) to revoke (a contract- aqd) on grounds of deception (taghrir); it is the right...

Khiyar al-Faskh

Arabic (خيار الفسخ) for option (khiyar) to revoke a contract (aqd) should a party encounter unforeseen hardships and difficulties (that...

Faskh al-Aqd

Arabic (فسخ العقد) for the termination (revocation, dissolution, faskh) of a contract (aqd) unilaterally (by one party to the contract)...


Arabic (فسخ) for revocation, cancellation, repudiation, etc. In relation to contracts (uqud, sing. aqd), faskh (i.e., faskh al-aqd) is the...

Riba al-Hadeeth

Arabic (ربا الحديث) for riba identified in the hadeeth of Prophet; it is also known as riba al-fadhl, i.e., riba...

Riba al-Hadith

Arabic (ربا الحديث) for riba identified in the hadith of Prophet; it is also known as riba al-fadhl, i.e., riba of...


An action that allows free disposal of something. In a contract of sale (ba'i), this involves allowing the buyer to...


An action that allows free disposal of something. In a contract of sale (ba'i), this involves allowing the buyer to...

Riba Khafi

Arabic (ربا خفي) for unapparent usury (implicit riba/ hidden riba/ disguised riba/ riba in disguise/ concealed riba). It refers to...

Riba Khafy

Arabic (ربا خفي) for unapparent usury (implicit riba/ hidden riba/ disguised riba/ riba in disguise/ concealed riba). It refers to...