The process of issuing certificates that represent debts and loans (generally any type of obligations). The issued certificates (or securities)...
A classification of sukuk in which the underlying is quasi-equity; this type of equity has characteristics similar to the equity...
A hedging process/ mechanism that is used or offered by Islamic banks and financial institutions to help mitigate a specific...
The process of verification of the existence of illah and effective cause (ratio legis) in an individual case, after having...
The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective...
A type of sale (ba'i or bay') in which the price (thaman) is set equal to the original acquisition price...
Arabic (مثليات) for fungibles; items that are mutually interchangeable, i.e., the units of which are identical (in specifications/ features), and...
A contract (aqd) that is contingent upon the occurrence of an event whose result or monetary effect is unknown as...
In Islamic fiqh, fadhalah (or fadalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who transacts (e.g. sells, rents, etc)...
In Islamic fiqh, fadhalah (or fadalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who transacts (e.g. sells, rents, etc)...