Arabic (ربا القرض) for riba associated with lending and borrowing (i.e., received in lending or paid in borrowing). It is...
A type of riba (ربا) that arises in sale transactions (buyu') involving barter exchange (muqayadhah) of commodities belonging to the...
An Islamic finance alternative to option contracts (conventional options). By definition, it is a shari'ah compliant form of contract which...
A sukuk issue that has the features of both perpetual sukuk and subordinated sukuk. More specifically, the issue does not...
A classification of sukuk that constitutes part of the first or core layer of a bank's capital (core capital), which,...
A sukuk issue that does not mature and hence sukuk are treated as equity (huqooq al-mulkiyyah) rather than debt (dayn)....
A classification of sukuk that constitutes part of the first or core layer of a bank's capital (core capital), which,...
A bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at some preset future date, to securitize...
A shar'iah-compliant equivalent to conventional call option. The call option gives the holder the right, without the obligation, to buy...
A shari'ah compliant investment product that derives its value from one underlying asset or more. It provides the holder (the...