An investment account with an Islamic financial institution (IFI) (or broadly, a portfolio or fund) is managed by the institution...
It stands for profit-sharing investment account; an investment account with an Islamic financial institution (IFI) (or broadly, a portfolio or...
A structure of sukuk whose underlying is a pool (portfolio) of assets mobilized through more than one type of contracting...
A type of waqf which mainly serves the public. In other words, the waqf's proceeds/ usufruct (ghallah) will be used...
Shari’ah holds center stage of Islam as a religion (deen) as it defines the route Muslims have to follow in...
The most basic type of sukuk which have no additional features (add-ons) such as option to convert or exchange into...
A sukuk issue that has the features of both perpetual sukuk and subordinated sukuk. More specifically, the issue does not...
A sukuk issue that does not mature and hence sukuk are treated as equity (huqooq al-mulkiyyah) rather than debt (dayn)....
A noncommercial guarantee/ suretyship (kafalah shakhsiyah) which is used to secure commutative contracts (e.g. contracts of sale, contracts of rights,...
A reserve that is created by an Islamic bank by appropriating a specific amount out of the mudaraba income, before...