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Necessities Justify That Which May Be Unlawful

A shari’a maxim or rule (in Arabic: qa’edah shar'iyyah) that is often interpreted to mean that an indispensable necessity may...

Named Contract

A class of contracts to which shari’ah has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....

Nominate Contract

A class of contracts to which shari’ah has assigned specific names and handled in details their respective rules and stipulations....


An Arabic term (نجش) which literally means concealment or a practice in which hunters used to rouse and chase the...

Net Invested Funds Method of Zakah Base Determination

The zakah base (receptacle) is typically determined by an Islamic bank by applying 2.5% for a lunar calendar year or...


It stands for net realizable value (net realisable value); the amount that a company expects to realize in cash (naqd)...

Net Realizable Value

The amount that a company expects to realize in cash (naqd) or cash equivalent (ashbah al-naqd) as payment from customers...

Net Assets Method of Zakah Base Determination

The zakah base (receptacle) is typically determined by an Islamic bank by applying 2.5% for a lunar calendar year or...

Non-Tradable Sukuk

Sukuk that represent receivables (zhimam) of cash amounts or goods. Examples of non-tradable sukuk include salam sukuk, istisna’a sukuk, and...


Arabic (ندب) for the shari'ah effect of recommending an act or way of conduct for Muslims. In other words, it...