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An acronym for Islamic accepted bill; a bill of exchange which is drawn on or by a bank, payable at...

Investment Account Holder

An individual/ entity that has deposited funds with an Islamic bank (IFI), via Shari'ah-compliant profit-sharing investment accounts that provide an...


It stands for investment account holder; the individual/ entity that has deposited funds with an Islamic bank (IFI), via Shari'ah-compliant...

ICM Instrument

A investment instrument that is based on profit and loss sharing, asset-backed transactions, and risk-sharing contracts, and certain types include...

Islamic Capital Market Instrument

A investment instrument that is based on profit and loss sharing, asset-backed transactions, and risk-sharing contracts, and certain types include...

Islamic Capital Instrument

A contract or contractual agreement that gives rise to a financial asset (cash, an equity instrument issued by another entity,...

Ijtihad Qiyasi

The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective…


Arabic (انتفاع) for utilization. In other words, it is the process of taking or extracting usufruct (manfa’ah) from something (asset,…


Arabic (إرصاد) for allocation of a public property for public use/ utility. This happens when government authorities earmark and allocate…

Ijarah Thumma Ba’i

An agreement that incorporates the sale of the leased asset (in an ijarah contract) at the end of the lease…