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Hibat al-Thawab

Arabic (هبة الثواب) for gift (hibah) conditional upon receipt of consideration (thawab). It is a gift intended to solicit some...

Hiwalat-ul Dain

A type of hiwalah (also spelled hiwala) which involves the assignment/ transfer of debt (dain) from one party (the transferor...

Hiwalat-ul Haqq

Arabic (حوالة الحق) for assignment of right; a type of hiwalah (also spelled hiwala) which involves a substitution of one...


In shari’a parlance, it describes an act or condition (such as taking possession/ qabdh) as constructive, i.e., not directly expressed...

Hukm Shar’i

Arabic (حكم شرعي) for a shari'ah ruling (hukm) that relates to the acts and conduct of Muslims as to their...


A legal or shari'a injunction that relates to the actions of individuals. Hukm (also spelled hukum), plural: ahkam, is usually...


It stands for historical cost; in the conventions of Islamic accounting, the historical cost of an asset is its fair...

Historical Cost

In the conventions of Islamic accounting, the historical cost of an asset is its fair value at the date of...

Haq al-Tamalluk

Arabic (حق التملك) for ownership right or a person’s right to own. It is a right (haq) established and recognized...

Husnul Qada

The gracious repayment or settlement of loan/debt (qard). That means repaying a loan in excess of the principal (face value,...