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Ba’i al-Naqeesah

A contract of sale in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his actual…

Bay’ al-Gharar

Arabic (بيع الغرر) for aleatory sale transactions or sales with uncertain outcome. In other words, it is the sale of…

Bay’ al-Muqayadhah

A mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting to a medium of…

Ba’i al-Muamalah

A type of sale (ba’i) in which a lender sells a commodity to a borrower for more than its market…

Bay’ Nafizh

A type of bay’ muna’aqid (enforceable contract of sale). By definition, it is a contract of sale (ba’i) that is…

Ba’i bil Thaman al-Ajil

An Arabic term (بيع بالثمن الآجل) that translates as “sale with deferred payment” or “sale on credit”. Technically, it refers...

Ba’i al-A’awam

Arabic (بيع الأعوام) for a type of sale (ba’i) in which the underlying object is an agricultural produce (such as...

Bay’ al-Barnamaj

Arabic (بيع البرنامج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (bay’) of the units of a fungible commodity or product…

Bilateral Promising

In Islamic finance, bilateral promising, or muwa'adah in Arabic, refers to a promise which is issued by a counterparty against...

Buyu Muharramah

Arabic (بيوع محرمة) for prohibited sales; a category of buyu (pl. of ba'i or bay') that consists of all sales...