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Bay’ bil Nasi’ah

A credit sale which has a fixed term at the end of which the buyer has to pay the agreed…

Bay al-Istijrar

In Islamic finance, it is a contract (of bay') whereby a supplier agrees to deliver a specific commodity/ item to...

Bay al-Mudhtarr

A type of sale (bay') in which the seller resorts to selling his property (assets, belongings, etc) under duress or...

Ba’i al-Mustarsel

Arabic (بيع المسترسل) for a case of sale (ba’i) in which the buyer doesn’t haggle over the price (i.e., takes…

Ba’i al-Raja’

A type of sale (ba’i) that was introduced by the Zaydi school of though (mazhab) in which an agricultural land…

Bay’ Ilqa’ al-Hajar

A type of sale (bay’), prevalent in pre-Islamic times, in which the object of sale was determined as the one…

Ba’i Nafizh

Arabic (بيع نافذ) for a type of ba’i muna’aqid (enforceable contract of sale). By definition, it is a contract of…

Ba’i Bithaman Ajil

Arabic (بيع بثمن آجل) for a contract of sale (ba’i) in which goods are sold on a deferred payment basis.…

Ba’i Al-Mukhasarah

A contract of sale in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his actual…

Bargaining Sale

In Islamic finance, it refers to the selling of a commodity at an agreed upon price irrespective of the original…