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Bullet Trade

A transaction that aims to create a short position in a security without actually selling it. While holding the short...

Beta Returns

The returns that are associated with factors driven by systematic market risks, which carry a premium (and hence are considered...

Buying Forward

An investment strategy that involves the buying of shares, commodities, money market instruments or currencies in expectation of a price…

Buyout Fund

A private equity fund which focuses on making investments by acquiring a company or a unit with the use of…

Buy Forward

An investment strategy that involves the buying of shares, commodities, money market instruments or currencies in expectation of a price…

Blind Trust

A trust that results from a fiduciary third party, such as an investment bank, money management firm or other trustee,…

Bottom-Up Approach To Investing

A style of investing which focuses on individual companies (the bottom) and then moves on to consider industry analysis and...


A performance benchmark that is used in comparing the results of an investment, portfolio, fund, etc. More specifically, it is...

Blind Pool

An investment vehicle by which capital can be raised from the public without telling investors how their funds will be...

Bottom-Up Investing

A style of investing which focuses on individual companies (the bottom) and then moves on to consider industry analysis and...