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Debt Repudiation

A complete default on debt repayment and service by a debtor nation. This constitutes an outright cancellation of all current...

Multi-Beta Capital Asset Pricing Model

A capital asset pricing model (CAPM) which views risk as coming from several sources. More specifically, in this model, systematic...


MYRA stands for multiyear restructuring agreement; a bank debt rescheduling tool, originally introduced in 1984-1985, which provides creditor banks of...

Tequila Effect

The financial and economic negative effect on South American equity markets and currencies that was triggered by the Mexican peso...

Tequila Crisis

A financial crisis, widely known as the Mexican peso crisis, that was originated in Mexico over the span of the...

Partial Managed Float

A managed float that allows the exchange rate to be determined by the market, while the central bank keeps a...

Parallel Loan

A loan which is made between two corporations based in two different countries, but each has a subsidiary in the...

Cetes Bond

It stands for “certificados de tesoreria”, which is a peso-denominated short-term treasury bill (zero coupon bill) issued by the Mexican...

Country Risk

The danger/ risk that arises from the adverse effect of political events and economic variables on the cash flows of...

Political Risk

The danger/ risk that a government action or inaction will have a negative impact on the cash flows of a...