An exchange rate that is calculated as a simple or weighted average of either current (spot) or historical exchange rate...
The ratio of the change in the future value (FV) of an option to the change in a forward contract...
The ratio of the change in the future value (FV) of an option to the change in a forward contract...
The ratio of the change in present value of an option with respect to the change in spot, where both...
Another term for pips; digits that are added to or subtracted from the fourth decimal place in a currency rate...
The ratio of the percentage change in present value of an option with respect to the percentage change in spot,...
Digits that are added to or subtracted from the fourth decimal place in a currency rate quote. For example, in...
A long-dated FX product that aims to enhance yield for yen investors (those with yen-denominated investments). The note is based...
The ratio of the change in present value of an option with respect to the change in spot, where both...
It stands for power reverse dual currency note; a long-dated FX product that aims to enhance yield for yen investors...