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Legal Entity

A individual, group of persons, business or non-business construct that has legal rights and obligations in connection with agreements, contracts,...

Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent

A template settlement agreement that is issued and promulgated by FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, USA. The agreement is...

Legal Risk

The overall risk that consists of multiple types of risk relating to an entity's failure to comply with statutory or...

Liquidated Demand

A demand (claim) for a fixed amount of money, such as an established debt of $1,000. A liquidated demand is...

Legal Interest

In general, it is the right to own something, wholly or partially. More specifically, it is the rights that a...

Legal Literature

In legal circles, legal literature is the works of layers/ attorneys and legal practitioners which handle legal matters in such...


In legal circles, literature is the works of layers/ attorneys and legal practitioners which handle legal matters in such a...