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A Posteriori

A Latin expression that translates as "from the latter", usually referring to reasoning that is applied backward from an effect...


An acronym for a template settlement agreement known as an acceptance, waiver, and consent agreement (issued and promulgated by FINRA,...

Ad Idem

Latin for towards the same (literally, meeting of the minds. Also referred to as mutual agreement, mutual assent or consensus...


Adjustment has many meanings in multiple contexts. In relation to insurance, it is the determination of the amount due for...


The act of giving up a legal right such as a right of ownership (of an asset, property, etc.) The...

Accord and Satisfaction

An agreement to settle a debt for less than the amount claimed. A debtor offers to pay a lesser amount...

Ab Initio

A Latin term that means "from the beginning", "from the start", "from the first act", or "from scratch" . More...