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Reverse Floating-Rate Note

A floating-rate note (FRN) in which the coupon moves inversely to the movement of the reference rate. That is, if...

Range Floating-Rate Note

A floating-rate note (FRN) in which a higher coupon is paid should a particular reference rate is within a specific...

Range Chooser Accrual Note

A chooser note (range chooser note) which allows the investor to set the range at the start of each coupon...

Ratchet Antidilution

A type of antidilution provision that gives the holder the right to receive enough free shares to reduce its (his/...

Risk Transformation

A type of risk redistribution (financial transformation) in which financial intermediaries hold assets with higher risk of default than their...

Redistribution of Risk

A process whereby a financial institution capitalizes on mismatches between the two sides of its balance sheet (assets and liabilities)....


A stock trading with rights off doesn't entitle the shareholder to receive rights to buy shares of a new stock...

Repo Leg

One of the two legs on which a repo transaction is set up. A repo is the sale of a...

Return Leg of a Repo

A repo leg that involves the transfer back of the cash amount that was initially borrowed, plus interest (accumulated on...

RP To Maturity

A repo (repurchase agreement, RP) in which close date is identical to or later than the maturity date of the...