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It stands for inflation-linked bond; a bond that is adjusted with inflation. An ILB is designed as a hedging tool for...

Inflation-Linked Bond

A bond that is adjusted with inflation. An inflation-linked bond is designed as a hedging tool for holders (investors) against...

Primary Instrument

An instrument (financial instrument) whose performance does not derive from value changes/ price movement of another instrument or an underlying...

Non-Agency mREIT

A mortgage REIT (mREIT) that represents private entities (not government agencies) investing in mortgages not guaranteed by the government. These include...

Nonagency Collateral

A collateral, in a repo transaction or CMOs, that comes in the form of a whole loan. By nature, whole...

Nonagency mREIT

A mortgage REIT (mREIT) that represents private entities (not government agencies) investing in mortgages not guaranteed by the government. These include...


It stands for mortgage real estate investment trust; a real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in real estate by...

Mortgage REIT

A real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in real estate by means of originated mortgages and other types of...


It stands for money market deposit account; a category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may...

Money Market Deposit Account

A category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may provide its holder with certain other privileges...