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An acronym for net stable funding ratio; the ratio of available stable funding, ASF, (at disposal of an entity) to...

Net Stable Funding Ratio

The ratio of available stable funding, ASF, (at disposal of an entity) to its required stable funding (RSF) over a...


It stands for non-convertible debenture; a debenture that is not changeable/ convertible to equity shares or in any other type...

Non-Convertible Debenture

A debenture that is not changeable/ convertible to equity shares or in any other type of security of the issuer....

Non-Derivative Financial Asset

A financial asset that do not derive value from an underlying asset or derivative contract. Non-derivative financial assets represent standalone...

Non-Derivative Product

A financial product whose value or performance do not depend on the value or performance of another asset (underlying asset)....

Non-Cumulative Preferred Share

A type of preferred share that does not entitle its holders to receive any dividends that have not been earlier...

Noncumulative Preferred Share

A type of preferred share that does not entitle its holders to receive any dividends that have not been earlier...

Non-Callable Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock

A preferred stock that combines the features of both non-callable preferred stock and non-cumulative preferred stock. In other words, as...

Non-Redeemable Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock

A preferred stock that combines the features of both non-redeemable preferred stock and non-cumulative preferred stock. In other words, as...