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Joint Yield

Concept Joint yield refers to a strategy where a group of market participants cooperate by pooling their resources/ assets/ investments...

Junior Debt

A classification of debt (whether in the form of loans, securities or similar items) that ranks below other classes of...

Junior Bond

With respect to a series of bonds, a bond or debt security whose class is subordinated to other securities (of...

Junior Tranche

A tranche that is the first, in a securitized structure, to absorb the losses and is exposed to the highest...

Jump Z-Tranche

A tranche (specifically, a Z-tranche) that may receive principal repayments before other tranches with specific precedence order, and even if...

Jump Risk

A type of investment risk that arises from spikes in market volatility or substantial market swings, consequently affecting specific types...

Junior/Senior Structure

A two-tranche liability position that consists of senior and subordinated securitized loans. In an junior/senior structured loan, the securitized loan (e.g.,...

Joint Bond

A bond that is payable to several creditors, unconnected in interest or by judgment. In other words, such a bond...

Junk Bond

A bond that is rated below investment grade (a rating of BB or lower) due to its bad credit quality....

Jumbo Certificate of Deposit

A certificate of deposit (CD) that is issued by a bank or depository institution to institutional investors and other high-net-worth...