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Gone Concern Value

The market value of the components (lines of business, divisions, units, etc.) of a firm, assumed to be sold off...


Granularity in finance has different (and at time slightly different) meanings in different contexts. In relation to structured products/ instruments,...

Gestation RP

A reverse repurchase (RP) agreement by which a mortgage firm sells federally guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) to a securities dealer…

Green Collateral

A type of collateral that constitutes securities issued by green companies- that is, companies that have no carbon footprint (the...

Green Repo

A type of repo (repurchase agreement) that is designed to finance green assets/ projects/ activities. It is a "green refinancing...

Guaranteed Bond

A bond which is backed by a party other than the issuer. In other words, the bond’s interest and principal…

General Obligation Bond

A municipal bond in which interest and principal are backed by the full financial resources and creditworthiness of the issuing…

Gestation Repurchase Agreement

A reverse repurchase (repo) agreement by which a mortgage firm sells federally guaranteed mortgage-backed securities (MBSs) to a securities dealer…

General Market Risk

The market risk (MR) that arises from the broad dynamics of a market, rather than any individual sector or partition....

Greenshoe Option

An option that allows the underwriter of a securities issue to purchase and resell additional shares. By this option, a...