A securitized product (a type of collateralized debt obligations – CDOs) that originates obligations collateralized or backed by a pool…
It stands for all-or-nothing offering; the offering of a security on the condition that its entire issue is sold. If...
A type of liability that arises unintentionally (i.e., without fault) or that is looked at without regard to fault. Typically,…
The offering of a security on the condition that its entire issue is sold. If not, the offering is cancelled...
Accounts payable, abbreviated as A/P or just payables, refer to the unpaid bills of a firm. That is, the short-term...
Accounts payable, abbreviated as A/P or just payables, refer to the unpaid bills of a firm. That is, the short-term...
A high-yield, asset-based debt security that is issued by an insurance company with principal, interest, or both linked to the...
The increase in the value of a bond that results from buying the bond at a discount from face value (par…
Funding that is provided at a discount rate to institutions in order to buy asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) from money…
A form of short-term financing that is secured by a company through a recourse sale of accounts receivable to a third party.…