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Thin Market

A market, or a period of time within, that is participated by a low number of buyers and sellers, and...

Trading Halts and Delays

A set of mechanisms that are activated and put in place to mark and enforce a temporary pause of trading...

Trailing Stop Buy

A trading order that entails an automatic adjustment to the stop buy limit when prices are moving down. It is...

Trading Volume

The total number of securities (e.g., shares or contracts) that have been traded (purchased and sold) in a specific period...

TWAP Price

Time-weighted average price (TWAP) is the average price of a security over a specified period of time. It is a...

TWAP NBBO Midpoint

It stands for time-weighted average price (TWAP) at midpoint of national best bid and best offer (NBBO); it is the...

Trade Scheduling Algorithm

An execution algorithm (trade executing algorithm) that slices large orders (institutional size orders)- i.e., parent orders- into a sequence of...

Tick Size

The smallest or minimum price increment (tick) in which the prices of tradable securities (investments, stocks, bonds, futures, etc.) are...

Tick-To-Price Ratio

A ratio that measures the effective tick size (tick size) for a security trading on an exchange. It is calculated...

Target Volume

A specific amount of securities that is targeted as part of an order. In other words, the order will not...