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Bellwether Stock

A stock (or broadly a security) that is widely perceived by the market to be a representative of a specific...

Mid-Cap Stock

A stock that is issued by a company with a market capitalization of more than $2 billion and less than...

Manipulative Short Squeeze

A type of short squeeze in which the original lenders of the stock buy a large amount of it. The...

At The Opening Order

A specialized order by a customer instructing a broker to initiate execution only at the opening price of the trading...

Losing One’s Shirt

A very bad investment/ project that wipes out all money expensed to establish it, while producing no sufficient profits to...

Locked Market

A market in which the bid and ask prices perfectly converge. In other words, a locked market occurs when one...

List-Based Algo

A trading algo (algorithm) that maintains a list of candidate trades to scan for execution. A list-based algorithm can be...

Locked-Limit Market

A futures market in which trading is halted because prices exceeded the exchange-defined daily limit. When a market is locked-limit,...

Liquidity Pool

A source of liquidity that is available for trading inside the transparency and scrutiny of organized exchanges. They operate with...

Holding Company Depositary Receipts

A security that allows investors to buy and sell baskets of individual shares of stock in one transaction. The underlying...