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Midpoint Liquidity

A market liquidity that is provided by trades/ orders executed, or to be executed, at the midpoint. Midpoint liquidity is...

Midpoint Liquidity Order

A limit order to buy (sell) a security (or a tradable asset) that is not displayed and automatically executes at...

Midpoint Passive Liquidity Order

A limit order to buy (sell) a security (or a tradable asset) that is not displayed and automatically executes at...


It stands for mid-point discretionary order; a discretionary order (specifically, a limit order) to trade a specific security, with the...

Mid-Point Discretionary Order

A discretionary order (specifically, a limit order) to trade a specific security, with the trading price pegged to the midpoint...

Mid-Point Passive Liquidity Order

A limit order to buy (sell) a security (or a tradable asset) that is not displayed and automatically executes at...

Mid-Point Liquidity Order

A limit order to buy (sell) a security (or a tradable asset) that is not displayed and automatically executes at...

MPL Order

It stands for mid-point liquidity order; a limit order to buy (sell) a security (or a tradable asset) that is...

MOC Order

It stands for market on close; an order that is placed with a broker of securities or commodities by a...

Market On Close

An order that is placed with a broker of securities or commodities by a trader (market participants) requesting the purchase...