An investor or trader who flips stocks. This involves buying shares, usually in an initial public offering (IPO), and selling...
A trading irregularity where traders on the floor of an exchange illegally use information available at their disposal about their...
A market phenomenon that reflects the flow of funds from riskier investments to safer ones. Flight to quality occurs when...
An order (buy or sell order) that flashes (shows) information from an exchange about incoming flow a fraction of a...
The practice whereby a dealer positions a part of a customer block order in a proprietary account to use its...
A trade (buy or sell order) that flashes information from an exchange about incoming orders a fraction of a second...
The market for securities where institutional investors trade directly among themselves without going through exchanges or resorting to the services...
AÂ quote that is made solely for the purpose of creating fictitious trading activities. It is a type of market abuse/...
AÂ quote that is made solely for the purpose of creating fictitious trading activities. It is a type of market abuse/...
Another way of saying "buying, and then selling". Flipping involves buying shares, usually in an initial public offering (IPO), and selling them immediately...